This collection of photos was taken just before a heavy summer rainfall. Essentially, this is the calm before the storm. This expanse to our west and north is lovely and broad. It is where we enjoy some amazing sunsets - and stormy skies.
Long sky
The sheep were hanging out around the barn, waiting - more calm before the storm.
Oh, wow! Wizard of Oz?
A "roll" of cloud, indeed! Unrolling. Unfurling...
More hanging around, and some ball play too!
I expected an angel to peak out of that cloud!
Awesome! There was some thunder and lightening too, which sent brave Millie into hiding and Beau dog too.
Sister was preparing to depart. She was heading north and hit the rain on her drive home.
And then it rained. Rain, rain and more rain. We needed it too. Some areas close to us reported hail. It was a classic, wicked, summer storm.
Thanks to hubby for the grand photos. Thanks Mother Nature for the entertainment, the beauty, the calm before the storm and the rainfall that allows for so much. Oh, and the hidden angels too.