Saturday, 27 May 2017


Pictures can tell a story well.  I am working full time, loving it and have limited time to tell my stories.  So, here are some pics....  Enjoy!

Newborn sporting a homemade coat for a few hours.

Charlotte is one of several sheep who usually have one lamb and had twins this year.

Happy calves in the sunshine


Olive's triplets.  This year two boys and a girl, while last year it was two girls and a boy.  But, wow, triplets two years running, following a single.

Olive's three competing for two teats.  The happy tail wagging indicates success.

I can reach, can you?
Million Dollar Millie.  The hair is growing back after surgery on the back leg.  And then the two Maremmas got into a fight and the vet clipped the hair on the wounds giving her a bad haircut on her head.  She's healed up just fine.

Sally giving birth in the afternoon sunshine on Easter weekend.

Ruby looking for the highest spot on the pile of hay.

Race time!

I was hoping for more black progeny from a coloured ram and here is what we got.  The female twins with the yellow ear tags I will keep.  The mothers of each set of twins are white.
Hanging out under the lilac bush.

There seems to be a regularly scheduled play late after and early evening.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kelly....I had your blog tagged and just ran across my tag! Little late huh? LOVE the babies. Hope all is good with you and DR. Have a safe winter and keep warm!! Stay in touch. Hugs and much love, Karen
