During the holidays we enjoyed a good long visit from our adult children. This was the first time that our son-in-law had been to the farm. I sometimes had help with chores. The kids moved a big desk for us - their backs may remember this for some time. We cooked and baked and shopped, sometimes together and sometimes not.
We were able to enjoy our living room at last since it has been stacked with boxes for most of a year, prolonged by the flooded basement and subsequent repairs. It is a lovely room and that is where we put the Christmas tree.
I made the Christmas trek to Guelph; it is always a busy time. This year Sister was away and the kids had a rental and drove together, so I cranked up the tunes and sailed on down the highway on my own. Although a green Christmas it was perfect for travel. My brother returned with me and stayed for a nice visit over New Years.
Here is a collection of photos from the holidays.
Unwrapping Christmas gifts is a lot of work!
Santa maintained a wintry theme this year, bringing snowshoes, flannel jammies and warm socks. The California couple was assured they could leave the wintry items at the farm for their next visit. Despite the wintry theme it was a very green Christmas. On Christmas Day we enjoyed a great walk around the farm.
Christmas Day walk with two Maremmas and one Border Collie tail at the bottom of the photo.
This is a great time of year to discover where the birds make their nests in the shrubbery along the forest edge.
Here we are enjoying the views from Table Rock.
This photo shows the interesting plumage on the Chanteclercs. In the background is an unhappy looking Red who is in the process of moulting. They are to be handled gently during their moult as they are very sensitive.
Daughter and Humphrey hit it off very well together.
I accused daughter of only liking the animals whose name begins with an "H": Humphrey kitty and Henrietta the llama.
Another photo of the colourful plumage of the Chantecler. The combs are smaller in order to better manage the Canadian winter.
Millie getting in to her Christmas treat - a HUGE bone.
Ruby, too, got a BIG bone from Santa on Christmas Day.
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